Volunteers Needed for Municipal Climate Action Committee

The Town of Alna is looking for community members willing to serve on a Municipal Climate Action Committee.  This effort is aimed at helping Alna to qualify for one or more rounds of significant grant funding* currently available to improve climate resiliency and to reduce energy use and costs.  
With assistance from the Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission and Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust, committee members would help conduct a community resilience self-assessment, and identify climate action priorities to identify which grant opportunities are most appropriate for Alna to pursue.  More information can be found in the attached flyer and fact sheet.  Please email questions or expressions of interest to alnaclerk@gmail.com
* Up to $50,000 per round for projects focused on a single town, and up to $125,000 per round for projects involving two or more towns.  These no-match grants can be used either to directly fund individual projects, or as the match for larger grant opportunities.