Alna Annual Report Receives MMA Award

On September 21, 2023, the Maine Municipal Association (MMA) recognized Alna's 2022-2023 Annual Report as "Superior" within the category of towns with population between 500 and 999.  The criteria used by the review panel focused on attractiveness of the cover and layout, reader appeal, and the presentation of materials to succinctly inform readers of the community's achievements.  Alna joins Carrabassett Valley and Starks as award winners in this population category.
The Alna Annual Report will be on display with other award-winning reports during MMA's Annual Convention to be held in Augusta on October 4th and 5th, and Alna will receive a framed certificate.
Competition panelist Betty Adams noted, "community and municipal officials are to be commended for their work in gathering the information that goes into these annual reports.  It is obvious that many people have had a hand in the effort."  We agree, and especially would like to thank Katy Papagiannis for generously volunteering her time to the composition, and the many Alna students whose poetry appeared throughout the report.