Heating Assistance

Heating assistance is provided through both State and County programs. State programs, through the Department of Health and Human Services, includes 1) The Maine State Housing Authority Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), which provides money to help low-income homeowners and renters pay for heating costs. PHONE: 1 877-544-3271; https://www.mainehousing.org/programs-services/energy/liheap; and 2) Central Heating Improvement Program (CHIP), through the Maine State Housing Authority, provides heating system repair and replacement services to low-income households. Priority is given to households that have no heat. (207) 626-4639; https://www.mainehousing.org/programs-services/HomeImprovement/homeimprovementdetail/central-heating-improvement-program
Heating Assistance through Lincoln County is the Community Energy Fund of Lincoln County (CEF), which was formed to help those in need in our community who do not necessarily qualify for state or federal heating assistance programs. The fund is primarily used to help provide fuel — whether it is oil, kerosene, electricity, propane or wood. The Community Energy Fund does not accept requests for assistance directly, instead they partner with the towns of Lincoln County to identify those in need. Request a referral from the town office; (207) 586-5313, or contact 3rd Selectman, Charlie Culbertson (3rdselectmanalna@gmail.com). More information about the CEF: (207) 563-3883; https://www.communityenergyfund.com/needhelp.
Heating assistance is generally available from October through April.